JEE Advanced mock tests are a great way for candidates to practice for the actual exam using the same exam stimulation. The JEE Advanced 2025 exam is all about time, speed, and efficiency. The more practice a candidate gets before the exam, the better. Even if a person has studied very well for the exam but has not taken ample mock tests, it may cause them to lose marks during the actual JEE 2025 exam due to not being efficient with the way the exam is patterned.

Free mock tests released by the examination authority and other websites follow the exact pattern of the actual exam and are a boon for JEE Advanced 2025 candidates.

JEE Advanced 2025 Mock Test Papers with Answer & Solutions PDF

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JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025: How to appear?

It is fairly easy to take the JEE Advanced mock test 2024 from their official website. Follow these steps:

  1. You can go to the JEE Advanced official website and click on ‘Exam.’
  2. Choose ‘Practice Test I’ or ‘Practice Test II’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. You will be taken to the Mock test login page.
  4. Enter your login credentials to begin the test.
  5. The exam timer starts just when you begin the test.

JEE (Advanced) 2025 Mock Test: Navigate Through JEE Questions & Sections

Here is what you need to know about sections in the JEE Advanced Mock test. Learn how to navigate through the exam sections to avoid any issues during the actual.

  1. JEE Advanced 2025 Mock Test will contain three sections mimicking the actual exam pattern. The sections will be Maths, Chemistry, and Physics.
  2. As per the JEE Advanced exam pattern, every section will contain MCQ-type questions, multiple correct answers, matching questions, and numerical questions.
  3. While giving the mock test, the candidate can easily navigate through the questions and sections. To do so:
    1. Candidates will find a question palette (list) on the right side of their computer screen. They can click on a particular question to move on to that question.
    2. Note that moving on to the next question will not save the response you have given for the current question. First, save the response/answer, and then go to a different question, the candidate must tap the button “Save and Next” for the same.
    3. In case the candidate feels that they are not sure about a particular answer and might have to review it later, they may mark that particular question by tapping on the button “Mark for Review & Next.” This will remind them later to come back to that question. This can be done for every question, whether you have answered it or not.
    4. On top of the page, candidates can view & navigate the different parts and sections at any time during the JEE 2025 exam.
    5. There is also a section summary available above the question listing for every section, which candidates can refer to anytime during the test.

JEE Advanced 2025 Mock Test: Important Points

Candidates must note the following important instructions before attempting the mock test:

  1. You will be given a total of three hours for the JEE mock test, inclusive of the three different sections. Once 180 minutes are completed, the test will automatically get submitted.
  2. The exam timer will begin just when you start the mock test by clicking on ‘I agree’. The candidates can also see the remaining time at the top right corner of the computer screen anytime during the test.
  3. Candidates can choose their preferred language in which they want to view the questions. The selected language can be changed anytime during the test by clicking on the profile image of the candidate and choosing the desired language.

JEE Advanced 2025 Mock Test: Question Status

During the test, candidates will be able to see the question status by going over the question palette/list. The candidates can also collapse the question palette by clicking on the ">" arrow symbol at their convenience. This will collapse the question palette and maximise the question window for a better view.

Why are JEE Advanced 2025 Mock Tests helpful?

JEE Advanced Mock tests are extremely advantageous and highly recommended for JEE Advanced candidates. You can also take the mock tests from the ALLEN institute, as we provide the mock tests with stipulated questions that have a high possibility of coming into the exam. Our mock tests are refined by the top faculty as per the pattern of the JEE Advanced 2025 exam.

  1. These tests help you familiarise yourself with the JEE Advanced exam pattern.
  2. The JEE Advanced exam is all about speed and efficiency. Just knowing the syllabus is not enough if you can't efficiently answer the questions within the given time frame. JEE Advanced mock test helps candidates get the required practice to achieve the same.
  3. Taking enough mock tests of the best IIT coaching, ALLEN, in Kota, Rajasthan, helps the candidate build their confidence to give the actual exam with the required practice.
  4. It helps candidates to self-evaluate their preparation and progress. It helps them know their strengths and weaknesses when faced with the same exam-like situation.
  5. It gives the candidates an idea about how to manage their time during the actual exam.

Solving the mock tests from the official websites is absolutely vital, but there are not enough mocks. Hence, you can join the ALLEN to get an ample amount of updated and highly relevant mock tests and boost your preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

JEE Advanced Mock test should be taken once the candidate finishes at least 80% of the syllabus, if not the entire syllabus. Ideally, the entire syllabus should be completed 5-6 months before the actual exam date and that time must be utilised for revision and completing mock tests series.

JEE Advanced 2025 free Mock test is uploaded on the official JEE Advanced website ( In addition to this, many mock tests are available online on different credible websites.

JEE Advanced Mock tests are like the real JEE Advanced exam paper with the same pattern. Hence, the difficulty level is from moderate to tough to allow candidates to get the required practice for the exam.

Although taking the JEE Advanced Mock test is not compulsory for JEE Advanced candidates, it is highly recommended. Candidates who practise with Mock tests are more confident and prepared for the actual exam. They also have greater chances of scoring higher marks.

JEE Advanced mock tests are great practice sets for the JEE Advanced exam. Those who perform well in the mock test can likely handle the actual exam better than others. However, it all depends on the candidate’s preparation and presence of mind during the actual exam.
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